Monday, November 3, 2014

Of Mountains and Maple Trees

What a week.

First off, Madds HAPPY BIRTHDAY~
Wowowowow, you're fourteen. I never even got to see you when you were thirteen! I love you and I hope you had a great day! Send more pictures because the ones Mom and Dad take are always blurry. Guys, you have a camera. You should, like, use it or something.^^

The only things I can remember about this week are decorating for the Halloween party, having the Halloween party, and getting in with the Filipinos. I'm sure other things happened, but did they?

The Halloween party went really well! So many people came and brought their friends! I felt just like missionaries on The District except we were on a much smaller scale and I'm sure a whole lot more chaotic.(this is a series made for missionaries that lets them look into a day in the life of missionaries) But it was good and the church looked beautiful. Hopefully I can send you some pictures of the decorations because we spent forever on them. But it all paid off because members, less-actives, and a whole lot of potential investigators came. In fact, one of our members even brought the friends that came to the Halloween party to church the next day! One hundred points to Gryffindor!!

As for the Filipinos, our investigator F..... is friends with pretty much every other Filipino person in Jeongup and now so are we. It's awesome. There was this exclusive "Filipino Person Only Volleyball Tournament" this week and we totally got an invite. We were in Korea, but no one was Korean.

And then, last night, we went to another Filipino birthday party and we ate all the chicken adobo. All of it. Don't tell the Koreans, but I might like Filipino food better. It was quite freeing to understand none of what anyone was saying and not even care because guess what, I don't speak Tagalog! And that's okay! We ate well and bonded with the only other non-Tagalog speaking person, a Korean girl who turned out to be an old investigator! Miracle!

But all this "running with the Filipino crowd" will have to be left to Sister M..... now because I'm transferring! It's sad, but I knew it was coming. What I did not see coming was who my new companion is. It's 이예진! Also known as the girl I was just companions with before Sister Matsen. Hahaha oh, President Shin. There are no rules for transfers with him. I'm excited though because I'm finally serving in the city (충장) (This is an area in the city of Gwanjuand I already know and love 이예진! The members here in 정읍 are sure to find this hilarious.

Here's to the last two transfers of my mission!
What the what?!

I love you all!!!
Sister Sydney

Halloween party! We were dolls. It went really well, even though the kids were crazy. At the end of the night Kimyoungchan just said to me, "Oh Abba, why can't I control Jeongup?!" 

 Last p-day we bought selfie-sticks. Are these a thing in america? Because Korea loves them.

ㅋㅋㅋKorean jokes.

Weird camera setting and cute friends. I love it when 규태 pinches his eyes.

 My camera can do this thing where it puts makeup on your face, makes your eyes bigger, and your face smaller. It's so ugly I can't even...

 I wish I could show you now, the videos we filmed when we came home from the Halloween party, but you'll just have to wait three more months. Here are some screen shots to tide you over. ^^

The leaves are changing and the weather is crappy. Yay.

Our last time all together on 박유진's bed. I'm gonna miss both of them so much.

       Also we went to 내장산 today. I don't know if any of you have been to a mountain covered in maple trees                                            before, but it was SO BEAUTIFUL. SO BEAUTIFUL! 

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